The future is bright, it’s here, and it’s robot-filled. It’s no secret that we’ve experienced a tech boom in recent years, as more and more corporations have invested or developed AI software to solve the inconveniences of day-to-day life. The restaurant industry is one that could benefit greatly from incorporating robots into their kitchen staff, and luckily there are several start-up companies bringing great solutions to the table.
From full-fledged robotic kitchens to food delivery robots to robot baristas, the restaurant industry is
about to be launched into a world of friendly bots and endless possibilities.
What Is A Robotic Kitchen?
The idea of a kitchen run by robots or a personal chef bot is only heard of in movies, but with recent developments in AI technology, a robotic kitchen is no longer a futuristic fever dream. Moley is a cooking robot, that is meant to simplify the lives of those who enjoy gourmet foods but are completely clueless about cooking.
How Does A Robotic Kitchen Work?
This domestic robot is essentially made up of a standard kitchen, built with two hanging arms that can whip up the meal of your dreams with a push of a button. This kitchen robot mimics the motions and control of a professional master chef and cuts down the cooking process while it works.
Simply choose a dish from an online library of recipes, do a light amount of prep work and this cooking robot can create your meal and the best part; clean up afterward.
The Benefits Of A Robotic Kitchen
Although Moley is intended for domestic use, targeted to those who have hectic schedules or those who have never been able to master the art of cooking but still want the luxury of a delicious home-cooked meal, these robotic arms can be easily put to use in a professional kitchen.
If you’re a chef or foodservice establishment owner, the idea of having a robot sous-chef efficiently picking up the slack during lunch rush or dinnertime seems like a dream. As the robotic kitchen concept takes off, having a pair of floating robot arms with the abilities of a master chef working alongside you is becoming a reality.
What Are Food Delivery Robots?
Staying in for the night? Forget ordering from traditional delivery services and instead have a robot bring your meals right to your doorstep! Currently being used on college campuses nationwide, food delivery bots are out and about, roaming around carrying students mouthwatering orders.
How Do Food Delivery Robots Work?
Picture casually strolling through campus and having a small robot steadily rolling next to you. Controlled through an app that partners with local restaurants, grocery stores, and campus dining halls, delivery robots can be tracked and then unlocked once they arrive at your location.
Featuring cameras and a motion detection system, these delivery bots are designed to understand their surroundings and go along with the flow of pedestrian traffic to avoid accidents.
The Benefits Of Food Delivery Robots
Ordering from these food delivery robots is cheaper, faster, better for the environment, and safer. Delivery robots appeal to the same audience that conventional delivery services do, those of us who don’t have the time to eat at a sit-down restaurant or can’t be bothered to leave their couch on a Friday night.
Customers seem to report overall satisfaction with their orders and bot systems get rid of the multitude of human errors that come along with ordering take out. Delivery bots would set your business apart from the competition and are an efficient way of dealing with high-demand delivery hours.
Although robots carrying orders straight to customers’ doorsteps seem like a thing of the distant future, implementing a robot delivery system for your foodservice establishment is an incoming reality that could provide a boost to your delivery services.
What Are Robot Waiters?
There’s no doubt, a waiter’s job is difficult. Taking and delivering orders, keeping track of checks, and maintaining quality customer service are all things a server is constantly juggling. That’s where robot waiters come in, to help simplify the workload of a waiter.
Although having a robot server seems part of an intangible futuristic landscape where flying cars and time travel are the norm, robot waiters are actually being tested at restaurants in several parts of the world.
How Do Robot Waiters Work?
The system is simple, order via a tablet that sends your table’s order to the kitchen, then a server plates your dishes onto a corresponding robot that acts as a runner for your food. These robot waiters can even carry drinks and checks back and forth from your table to the kitchen.
Currently being put into use at several restaurants in the U.S., these robot servers aren’t meant to outright replace waiters but are merely a much-needed helping hand.
The Benefits of Robot Waiters
Ideal for picking up the slack and heavy lifting of a server’s day-to-day, these robot waiters are extremely efficient during lunch hour rushes or busy weekends. This allows for waiters to have more time to dedicate to customers and provide a better experience at your restaurant.
Having a robot server buzzing around your foodservice establishment brings in an entertainment aspect for guests, who are sure to enjoy interacting with the bots. Plus, customers will appreciate how much smoother and faster their dining experience is having a robot companion delivering their delicious meals and checks to them.
The Future Of The Restaurant Industry Is Here
The future of the restaurant industry lies in automation. A.I. technology and its corresponding robots are providing solutions to everyday problems. As a restaurateur or foodservice establishment owner, it’s important to always take a look at what areas of your business could need improvement. With the evergrowing developments in science and software, it’s hard not to imagine a future that doesn’t include technological companions.
To bridge the gap between any issues your business faces, investing in these innovative robots might be the answer to your needs. Although robots can’t replace your entire human staff, they can help carry the weight of busy hours and understaffed days. Whether it be robotic arms cooking alongside you, friendly bots roaming the neighborhood with take out orders, or robot waiters fetching checks, automation is quickly becoming a part of the restaurant industry.