5 Ways Picks And Skewers Can Take Your Dishes From Ordinary To Extraordinary

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In today's visually-driven world, the way your food looks is just as important as how it tastes. Creative food presentation can make a huge impact on perceived value and the overall dining experience. One simple way to elevate your dishes is by incorporating picks and skewers strategically. These small details pack a big punch when it comes to adding visual interest, improving functionality, and justifying higher menu prices. Here are 5 ways picks and skewers can take your plates from ordinary to extraordinary.

1. Add Visual Interest And Height To Your Plates

Skewers and picks are the perfect tools for adding eye-catching vertical elements to your dishes. When you incorporate height and visual interest, you naturally draw attention and make plates look more dynamic. Some ideas:

  • Compose colorful kebabs on long skewers

  • Pierce stacked ingredients with sturdy picks to secure

  • Skewer bite-sized appetizers for easy eating

  • Use picks to pin garnishes at interesting angles

When pairing picks and skewers with your dishware, consider how they will interact for maximum impact. Contrasting heights, colors, and textures make for an artistic presentation. The right pick can be the perfect frame or accent for your culinary creations.

2. Secure Ingredients In Place And Improve Functionality

Beyond just looking pretty, picks and skewers serve important functional roles in dishes. They help keep food items exactly where you want them, enabling you to plate with precision. This is especially useful for:

  • Composed dishes that need to stay intact

  • Layered presentations that might topple over

  • Items that need to be dipped or dunked

  • Passed appetizers for easy grabbing

When selecting picks and skewers, consider the size, weight, and shape that will work best for your ingredients. Longer skewers are ideal for threading kebabs, while short picks are perfect for securing slippery garnishes. Sturdy, weighted picks can handle heavier items without bending or breaking.

garnishing a cocktail

3. Emphasize Freshness And Handmade Quality With Rustic Picks

Using natural materials like bamboo or wood for your picks and skewers instantly conveys an artisanal, handcrafted quality. This rustic look taps into diners' appreciation for food that is made with care. Some ways to emphasize freshness and quality:

  • Secure vibrant herbs or edible flowers with a bamboo pick

  • Use hand-cut bamboo skewers for a farmers market feel

  • Place picks in a way that suggests made-to-order assembly

  • Select picks with natural grains and imperfections

By incorporating natural picks and skewers, you signal to diners that your dishes feature fresh, whole ingredients. It's an easy way to reinforce scratch cooking and handmade appeal.

4. Justify Higher Menu Prices With Premium Picks And Skewers

Artfully placed picks and skewers are an incredibly effective way to change value perception and charge more for your dishes. Even casual fare like burgers or cocktails can be premiumized with the right pick. For example, putting a decorative bamboo pick or metal skewer in a burger allows you to charge $12-$14 instead of $10. The upcharge of a few dollars far exceeds the small cost of the pick or skewer.

To maximize this effect, select picks and skewers that look high-end and special. Consider options such as:

By choosing picks and skewers that look sophisticated and thoughtfully chosen, you reinforce premium positioning and can easily command 10-20% higher menu prices.

5. Get Creative With Cocktail And Dessert Picks

Don't limit your pick and skewer use to just savory dishes. They are also game-changers for beverages and desserts. Eye-catching garnish picks can make your cocktails instantly Instagram-worthy. Consider stirrers or skewers with fun features like:

Desserts also get a major upgrade with the right picks. Use them to secure toppings on sundaes, skewer fruit for dipping, or present cake pops and petit fours. Experiment with different lengths and looks to find the perfect pick for your sweets.

How To Choose The Right Picks And Skewers

With so many pick and skewer options out there, it's important to select ones that fit your food, brand, and budget. Here are some factors to consider:

  •  Size:  Pick length should correspond to dish height and ingredients. You don't want picks that are too short to secure items or so long they look awkward.

  •  Material:  Bamboo and wood are great for a natural, eco-chic look. Stainless steel conveys sleek sophistication. Plastic is affordable and comes in many colors.

  •  Color: Use pick color to complement or contrast with your ingredients and dishware. Natural picks can be understated, while bright colors make a bold statement.

  •  Shape: Pick and skewer shapes range from simple spears to ornate designs. Consider which style best fits your plating aesthetic and practical needs.

  •  Quantity:  Picks and skewers are often sold in bulk. Assess how many you realistically need based on menu, volume, and frequency of use to order efficiently.

It's also crucial to properly care for and store your picks and skewers. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning, sanitizing, and safety. Educate your staff on the right way to handle and dispose of picks to avoid any injuries or cross-contamination.

Getting Your Staff and Customers On Board With Picks And Skewers

To successfully implement picks and skewers, you need buy-in from both your staff and your customers. Start by training your kitchen crew on the proper way to place and secure picks in dishes. Provide visual examples of composed plates using picks so they understand your expectations. For front-of-house staff, teach them how to describe the picks and skewers to guests in an enticing way.

You'll also want to incorporate your new pick and skewer creations into your marketing materials. Snap drool-worthy photos for social media, update your online menus, and maybe even design new promotional signs. As customers experience your elevated dishes, encourage them to share feedback and spread the word.

bloody Mary cocktail

The Takeaway On Transforming Your Food With Picks And Skewers

Picks and skewers are one of the most powerful secret weapons for upgrading dishes. When used strategically, they can increase perceived value, add visual interest, improve functionality, convey freshness, and open up creative new presentation possibilities. Best of all, picks and skewers are an affordable way to premiumize your food and command higher menu prices.

Ready to pick up some picks and skewers for your restaurant? Browse our wide selection of options in every material, color, shape, and size you can imagine. From basic bamboo to metallic frill picks, we've got all your skewering needs covered. With the right picks and skewers in place, your dishes will go from ordinary to extraordinary!

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